The Essential Guide to Standard Door Size in The UK

Last Updated: 13 May 2024

There are no specific regulations for doors in people’s homes in the UK, but there are general building regulations that apply to all buildings, including homes. The Building Regulations 2010 sets out minimum standards for the construction, alteration, and extension of buildings to ensure they are safe, accessible, and energy efficient.

While the Building Regulations do not set out specific requirements for doors in homes, there are certain aspects of doors that are covered by the regulations. For example, all doors in homes must be designed and constructed to resist the spread of fire, which means they must be made of materials that are fire-resistant and meet certain standards of performance.

In addition, doors must also provide a safe means of escape in case of a fire, which means they must be designed to open easily and be of an appropriate size and height to allow people to escape quickly and safely.

Despite the lack of strict regulation when it comes to door sizes, it is important to choose doors that are safe, reliable, and fit for purpose, and to ensure that they are installed correctly to comply with the relevant building regulations.

black front door

How tall are doors in the UK?

In the UK, the standard height for residential doors, both internal and external, is typically 1981mm (6 feet, 6 inches or 78 inches). However, external doors can sometimes range up to 2032mm (80 inches) in height. These measurements refer to the door leaf itself, not including the door frame. Keep in mind that actual door sizes may vary depending on the manufacturer and specific requirements of the building project.

How thick are doors in the UK?

  1. Internal doors: Standard internal doors typically have a thickness of 35mm (1.38 inches) or 40mm (1.57 inches). These thicknesses are generally sufficient for providing privacy, noise reduction, and heat insulation for internal rooms without the need for additional reinforcement or security features.
  2. External doors: External doors are generally thicker than internal doors, ranging from 44mm (1.73 inches) to 54mm (2.13 inches) or even more in some cases. The increased thickness is necessary to provide better security, weather resistance, and insulation for the building’s exterior.

How wide are doors in the UK?

Internal doors: Standard widths for internal doors are typically 610mm (24 inches), 686mm (27 inches), 762mm (30 inches), and 838mm (33 inches). These sizes accommodate most room entrances and allow for easy passage of people and furniture. The widths are sufficient for the majority of residential applications and provide an adequate level of privacy and noise reduction.

External doors: Standard widths for external doors are generally 813mm (32 inches), 838mm (33 inches), and 914mm (36 inches). These wider dimensions are designed to accommodate the entry of larger items, such as furniture or appliances, into the building. The increased width also provides better security and insulation, as external doors need to be more robust than internal doors.

Why are there standard sizes for doors in the UK?

  1. Practicality: to provide enough space for most people to pass through comfortably, even when carrying items or using mobility aids.
  2. Building regulations: UK building regulations and codes establish a set of guidelines for consistency in construction and design. Standard door sizes allow builders, architects, and manufacturers to streamline the production process and create a more uniform building industry.
  3. Historical influences: The standard dimensions of doors have evolved over centuries, influenced by architectural styles and construction methods. These historical influences have contributed to the establishment of the current standard sizes in the UK.
  4. Economies of scale: Standardizing door sizes allows manufacturers to produce doors in bulk, leading to cost savings for both the industry and consumers. This standardisation also makes it easier for retailers to stock and sell doors, as well as for builders and homeowners to source doors that fit common openings.
composite internal door

How to determine what size your door is?

To determine the size of your door, you need to measure its height, width, and thickness. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to measure your door:

  1. Close the door.
  2. Using a tape measure, measure the height from the top edge of the door to the bottom edge, ensuring the tape measure remains straight and level.
  3. Measure the width of the door from one side to the other. Once at the top and once at the bottom.
  4. Open the door slightly to expose the edge.
  5. Measure the thickness of the door from the front face to the back face. Once at the top and once at the bottom.

Why does door size matter?

Door size matters for several reasons, as it can affect the functionality, accessibility, aesthetics, and safety of a building or living space. It can potentially influence the sale of your house, although it may not be a primary concern for most buyers.

  1. Accessibility: Non-standard or narrow door sizes may pose difficulties for some individuals, particularly those with mobility aids, wheelchairs, or prams.
  2. Furniture moving: Smaller door sizes can make it challenging to move large pieces of furniture in and out of the house, which may be a concern for some potential buyers.
  3. Aesthetics: Door sizes can contribute to the overall aesthetic and style of a home. If doors are too large or too small for the space, they may appear disproportionate, which could affect the visual appeal of the property. Consistent door sizes and styles throughout the house can create a more cohesive and harmonious appearance.
  4. Compliance with building regulations: If door sizes do not meet current building regulations, it could be a potential issue for buyers. They might need to replace or modify the doors to meet the necessary standards, which could be an additional expense and inconvenience.
  5. Energy efficiency: Properly sized and well-insulated external doors can contribute to a home’s energy efficiency, which is increasingly important to many buyers. Inefficient doors can result in higher heating and cooling costs, making the property less appealing to energy-conscious buyers.

How front door size specifications differ from internal door size specifications?

Front doors are generally wider than internal doors to accommodate the entry of larger items, such as furniture or appliances, into the building. Additionally, they are designed to be more robust, providing better security, weather resistance, and insulation than internal doors.

While these standard sizes serve as guidelines, actual door sizes may vary depending on the manufacturer and specific requirements of the building project. Custom or non-standard door sizes may be used when necessary, such as in cases of accessibility requirements or unique architectural designs.

red external door

If you need new doors, give us a shout!

Transform your living space with our expertly crafted bespoke doors! Elevate your home’s style and functionality with unique, tailor-made solutions designed to fit your exact needs. Contact us today for a free consultation and discover the perfect custom door size for your home – experience the difference that only our company can provide.

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